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Anti-Bribery Policy

With customers across the UK, through Europe and further afield, Price Western means many things to many people.What everyone gets is outstanding customer service and a commitment to excellence in design, delivery and our environmental and community-based responsibilities.

Price Western Anti-Bribery Policy

Price Western Leather Company Limited is committed to operating as an ethical and responsible member of the business and local communities it serves. This includes the below undertakings and the relevant Anti-Bribery and Corruption laws described in, amongst other legislation, the Bribery Act 2010.

Bribery and Corruption
Price Western Leather Company Limited expressly prohibits both the offering or giving of any type of bribe as well as the acceptance or solicitation of any kind of payment or payment in kind. This applies to all our business partners, existing or potential, as well as our staff as individuals or as a body.

We believe there is a clear line between legal, responsible, ethical business practice and corrupt partnerships or gains based on bribery and illegal activities. We are clear that we will always remain a legally correct and ethically sound business partner, in terms of our suppliers, customers and staff.

Individual Responsibility
We require every individual member of Price Western Leather Company Limited to operate according to this policy, our Ethical Operating Policy and also to report any perceived infringement of this policy to his or her Line Manager promptly. We require our staff to act in a transparent, ethical and legal manner when acting at any level on behalf of Price Western Leather Company Limited.

Corporate Responsibility
We expect all our business partners to operate transparently and within their relevant legal framework. We will never offer, give, request nor accept any kind of bribe or inducement to act in a way inconsistent with our Ethical Operating Policy or our legal framework. We will report any illegal activities to the relevant authority.

Price Western Leather Company Limited will not offer any contributions of any kind to political parties either in the UK or in business partners’ locales. Price Western Leather Company Limited will not make any donations to charities or corporations that have as their purpose gaining commercial advantage.

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